His mother Laura says, "I had an experience with a cancer situation. It was necessary to temporarily
put my husband George into a nursing home, so that if anything happened to me,
he would have care.
It was a good thing I did because I had MRSA, a
life-threatening infection at the wound site.
It was after it looked like I
would come through this OK, I found you and Kukla.
Some time after the dog adoption, I took George back into my
home to care for him. He was elderly, had multiple medical problems, and his
severe nerve pain was intractable.
The only time I saw George have a smile
on his face (because of the constant pain) was when he was petting Kukla. This
dog literally saved his emotional life because it gave him something to love.
Even during his last hospitalization, George asked me about Kukla until the
Six months after the adoption, George, who had congestive heart failure,
lost his battle and died. His pal Kukla would go into his room and wait for
him to return. I'm really grateful to Kukla for loving George through his last
Nine months later, I had a serious house fire and Kukla and I
escaped with our lives. It was due to a short in the range hood and was not due
to anything I did.
We went from living in a three-bedroom house to a
one-room hotel, then were moved into temporary housing. Throughout these six
months, Kukla adjusted. After they re-built the house, we moved back in.
Just as
he had loved George through his difficulties, Kukla loved me through the time of
the fire and beyond.
I am grateful to you beyond measure for this wonderful
dog and for what he has meant in the lives of me and George.
I buried George
in Hawaii and will be moving out there in the next few months.
You've saved souls with
your work. You saved dogs, but you saved people too. You have my deepest gratitude."